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Ciclo di Seminari organizzati nell’ambito del MASTER in DIRITTO COMMERCIALE INTERNAZIONALE in collaborazione con UNIDROIT


6.5.2023 – ore 9,30:Fusiones y adquisiciones: la perspectiva europea
Prof. Francisco J. LEÓN SANZ (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

8.6.2023 – ore 14,00:CISG and Related Texts as Tools to Ensure Resilience and Recovery of Cross-border Trade
Dr. Luca CASTELLANI (Senior Legal Officer UNCITRAL)

9.6.2023 – ore 14,00:Contractual Certainty and the Transborder Impact of the Work of the HCCH
Prof. Gérardine GOH ESCOLAR (Deputy Secretary-General HCCH)

30.6.2023 – ore 14,00:UNCITRAL Model Law on Secured Transactions
Prof. Ignacio TIRADO (Secretary-General UNIDROIT)
Prof. Anna VENEZIANO (Deputy Secretary-General UNIDROIT)
Prof. Jorge FELIU REY (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

6.9.2023 – ore 14,00:Crisis of Financial Institutions. A Transnational Perspective
Prof. Ignacio TIRADO (Secretary-General UNIDROIT)
Prof. Stephan MADAUS (Martin Luther Halle-Wittenberg University)

5.10.2023 – ore 14,00:Seat of Arbitration and Applicable Law
Prof. Franco FERRARI (New York University)
Prof. Marco TORSELLO (Università di Verona)


Facoltà di Economia, Sala Onida (terzo piano)
Via del Castro Laurenziano, 9 - 00161 Roma
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